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Catalog of objects
L. F. Fleer's house. 1860es
Address: ул. Ленина, 101/ пер. Партизанский, 3

The two-storeyed stone corner building in the central protected zone of the historical part of the town forms the main square of Yeniseisk (on the place of an old stockaded town); by a northern ten-axis facade it is turned to Lenin Street, and by western one – to Partizansky Lane.

On the two east axes in the first floor there is a triple doorway with the door to the balcony with the wrought iron railing. The western facade was extended at the beginning of the twentieth century with the attached staircase, which in turn is adjacent with the lower two-storeyed building in five axes under the gable roof.

The trade rooms of the lower floor with doors on both streets in the front half form a suite with the large arch openings. In the yard half of the first floor the southern mezzanines are arranged. The plastered facades are crowned by the wooden boarded wide cornice, the frieze is made of stucco pattern of floral ornament. The interfloor partitioning is designated by the profiled belt. The corners are finished with the tiered paneled blades; the same blade separate two east axis of the northern facade with the triple opening in the upper floor – the room which was built over the former bench. The arched openings of the ground floor is recessed in the wall by the wide profiled archivolts, the through chain of archivolts passes to the interfloor belt, with the round medallions in the intervals. The rectangular windows of the upper floor are framed by the paneled pilasters having narrow pediments; the subwindow draft separates the belt decorated with the panels. Above the staircase on the western facade there is an end with a shaped attic.

On the roof of the building there are brick stands with wrought iron railings with the fine patterning.

Fleer's house in Yeniseisk belonged to the merchant of the Ist guild Leyvik Fishelevich Fleer. It is a monument of urban development of Yeniseisk, representing widespread type of the trade building with the residential upper floor and facades of the middle of the 19th century changed in forms of architectural eclecticism; serves as an important link in ensemble of building of the main square of the historic center.

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