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Catalog of objects
A. S. Balandin's estate. The middle of the 19th century
Address: ул. Ленина, 103

The large merchant house with the adjoining shops (1830) and the southern utility buildings of the estate are located in a historical part of Yeniseisk at the corner of Lenin Street and Partizansky Lane.

The modest house in the classical style under a wide overhang of the roof forms the main square of the town. The middle part of his northern symmetric facade is allocated with a triangular pediment, and stone benches with three Tuscan order semi-columns in the middle under a big pediment stylistically complement the estate house.

The buildings of the house and shops are made in forms of late classicism and belonged to the merchant of the 1st guild, the hereditary honorary citizen of the town A. S. Balandin.

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