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Catalog of objects
The voevode’s house.1722
Address: ул. Ленина, 122

The stone two-storeyed old house on the basement (looks like three-storeyed one), square in plan, covered with hipped roof, the southern and eastern facades face the main square of Yeniseisk and Lenin street.

The middle parts of the two front facades are topped with triangular pediments. The windows of the upper third tier of more slender proportions correspond to the classical canons like plastered symmetrical facades. The east threefold narrow windows of the top floor and the arch large windows of the second tier are of interest.

The rooms of the ground floor, where the voevode’s office and nadvorny court established in 1722 were placed, are blocked by the ancient barrel vault with high strikings. The corners of the building are processed with wide blades on which the crowning cornice and the thin interfloor belt are set-back.

The modest architectural concept of facades emphasizes monolithic simplicity of the volume, impressive and severe shape of construction.

The building was built in connection with establishment in 1718 of the Yenisei province and the appointment of stolnik Ivan Verderevsky as a voevode to Yeniseisk (1721). It was the first stone building in the town. It is mentioned by S. Gmelin who visited Yeniseisk in 1734, is shown on the plan of Yeniseisk of the 18th century in a complex of the voevode’s yard to the south of the cathedral. At the end of the 1860th the town fire brigade was placed in the building.

In 1911 the building began to belong to the Yeniseisk city society.

In general, well-preserved "voevode’s house" in Yeniseisk represents a rare example of the office building of the Peter's epoch in Siberia, being one of the earliest and rare monuments of civil architecture with the interesting constructive scheme and the plan. Together with other buildings forms ensemble of the historic center.

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