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Catalog of objects
The house of Evseev’s estate. The first half of the 18th century
Address: ул. Петровского, 11 / ул. Бабкина, 2

The old stone two-storeyed building under iron roof forms the construction of the Yenisei Coast Boulevard in the historical protected zone of the town near the wharf. It is constructed in a shape of Russian letter “г” and has seven windows on long facial facades (northern and eastern); the western facade is extended with a late southern extension. The symmetric northern facade of the building has three-part planning, as well as east which wasn't symmetric, but the same middle hall of the upper floor has been preserved – in three windows. The rooms of the ground floor are covered with the barrel vaults with strikings openings covered with wrought iron bars, that’s why the interior has a tower room image. The whitewashed facades are topped with the massive profiled cornice, the interfloor partitioning is made in a characteristic profile of the brick roller, the high socle is allocated with the large moulding and the roller. The base is laid out with the large boulders. The pilasters divide facades into parts according to internal planning. The windows are recessed into the wall and framed with the rectangular platbands made with a roller.

On the eastern facade – in the corner part between the pilasters – over the former entrance large opening the patten fragment of the original crowning part of the platbands has remained. After the fire of 1869 some openings especially in the eastern part of the house are changed.

Evseev’s estate of the 1730-ies with the stone outbuilding was located on the steep bank of the Yenisei quay. In 1788 it was owned by Yeniseisk governor Evseev. At regular re-planning of the town, under the act of 1797, its location is defined as adjacent to a household G. V. Belykh. The building was damaged in the fire in 1869 and was restored only by August, 1873. In 1876 the building housed the women's gymnasium.

The house of the estate of Evseev in Yeniseisk is a monument of Russian architecture of the first half of the XVIII century with the features of "Peter's Baroque", representing the early phase of the stone building of the Siberian town. Together with the remained stone outbuilding forms the ensemble of city estate of the eighteenth century on the embankment of the Yenisei river along the historic Boulevard. Currently, the building houses the people's court, in the outbuilding the archive of Yenisesk is placed.

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